We were at the Alaska Experience in Anchorage. We had hoped to truly experience the historic earthquake of '64 but the technology in 1999 only produced a mild back and forth shaking of our stadium seats while we watched the crumbling city on the screen in front of us. It was far from terrifying. It was down right funny.
The farther I've walked through life, I've learned that our days are filled with tremors and earthquakes too. The difference is that few of them are humorous. Most produce real anxiety, agony, and anger in response. Even if the ground of our life is currently stable, our lives seem to be built along a fault line that can produce upheaval at anytime.
What do we cling to in a world that is shifting and trembling underneath our feet? Is there a safe place when the ground seems to be crumbling?
Yes, there is safety, peace, and comfort found in the truth of God's Word, but Raechel Myers & Amanda Bible Williams explain it much more beautifully than I could in their new book, She Reads Truth.
These women founded the online ministry also called She Reads Truth in the hopes of encouraging women to be reading Scripture every day. It has blossomed into community of women from all parts of the globe who dig into the Truth together each day.
While this book definitely touches on that online ministry, it focuses more specifically on the personal stories of Raechel and Amanda and how the Truth of the Bible met them in the most difficult of times.
Early in the book, in a chapter written by Amanda, I was struck by this quote:
"Trusting in God's Truth does not mean ignoring everything else. We do not have to explain our fears away in order to earnestly believe God's promises to us. It is not an either/or situation. It is both/and."
My copy of the book is full of stars and underlines drawn through tears. Even though my personal "earthquakes" are very different from the authors' life stories, I was reminded over and over of the sufficiency of God's word in every area of my life.
I will be returning to this book in the days and years to come. It offers hope and gentle rebuke to those who desire to be "Holding Tight to Permanent in a World that's Passing Away."
Disclaimer: I received one copy of She Reads Truth for free in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions in this post are my own.