Lessons from the slope: Part 2

A very familiar passage to most believers is Proverbs 3:5,6 which says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Trust plays a role in so many different areas of our life. When I sit down in my recliner, I never wonder if it will hold me up because I trust that it will fulfill its purpose and support me. I saw another example of trust when we went skiing on Monday. In order to get up the mountain, we had to ride a small lift. The instructor explained to us that we were to grab a hold of the pole and put it in between our legs, however we were no supposed to sit down on it! Instead we had to stand still and allow it to gently pull us up the hill. I have posted an example below:

The tendency is to do too much work on your own. In fact, at one point I pulled back too hard on the pole, and almost landed completely on my back. I had to trust that the lift would do what it needed to in order to get me up the hill. My part was to simply hold on and enjoy the ride.

I find that lack of trust in my life very often as well. I am not saying that we should not work hard and follow through on the tasks we have been given, but we often think that we have the ability to do EVERYTHING on our own. We forget that God is in complete control, and that worry does no good. We lean on our own understanding, and not the knowledge of an omniscient Father. I need to relax and rely on a God who has my best interests in mind. I am so thankful that He has promised to direct each path and decision in my life.