“You don’t know me, but because of your grandma, I pray for you girls regularly.”
The white-haired woman had made her way over to the table where my younger sister and I sat after our grandma’s funeral. Tears sprang to our eyes as she proceeded to ask us about our lives. Was my sister still cancer-free? Was she still working at the same law firm? How were my four children?
My sister and I were stunned. We knew our grandma regularly prayed for our family, but suddenly we realized it hadn’t stopped with her. In fact, as we left the memorial that evening, we found a church-wide prayer sheet including my sister’s health struggles. An entire body of believers in Michigan was praying for a sister in South Carolina all because a 95-year-old woman saw the value of prayer.
In the days following that interaction, I couldn’t stop thinking about how indispensable prayer is to the health of the global church. In a world filled with division and argument, prayer sets Christians apart by binding our hearts together spiritually. We are unified by a desire for God’s kingdom to grow through individuals spread throughout different local churches across the world.
This is the beginning excerpt of an article I recently wrote for Gospel Centered Discipleship. Click the link below to read the rest of the article (as well as some of the other wonderful writing on their website).