My busy superheroes have finally fallen asleep for their afternoon naps and my husband is studying for this week’s sermon. Besides the monotonous drone of traffic outside, our house is completely silent. It most likely won't last long, but I'm savoring every moment.
It's strange to enjoy silence this much. I tend to be a little bit of a chatterbox. I love people, and I find myself energized after a great conversation. Most of the time, I have the radio or my favorite CD playing as I drive. I can walk for miles if someone is with me to help pass the time!
Lately, though, I've been craving quiet. It's not because of a migraine or frazzled nerves. It's not because I'm struggling with depression or deep burdens. Instead, my soul desires the quiet rest that leads to more of God.
Our world is so loud! Every day our hearts and minds are bombarded with a million different voices. We are told that we need more and more to be happy, content, and fulfilled. Even good voices shout that we're not spending enough time in educational activities with our kids. We're not writing consistently enough on our social media sites to build a solid following. We really should be switching all of our food and cleaning supplies to more natural items. We need to buy this or get rid of that.
We hear this noise on top of the already busy lives we lead as spouses and parents. We fall into bed exhausted hoping we wake up with enough energy to make it through just one more of these crazy days.
Read more at For the Church, my writing home this week.