It's a word that has been a part of my vocabulary for a very long time. After all, I had a small understanding of God's gift of grace for me when I accepted Him at 5 years old. I used the word grace when explaining salvation to others. I knew I couldn't be a Christian without grace!
It's only been in the past year or so that this word has been transforming my life! The gospel of Christ has been gripping my heart in ways I've never experienced!
How could I have been so deceived to think that I needed a merciful God's favor to gain eternal life, but the rest of my Christian walk was up to me and my hard work?
I served our church alongside my pastor husband. I tried to raise our children to love God and be "good kids". I attempted to forgive those who hurt me. I struggled to resist Satan's daily temptations.
I wanted to be a godly woman, but I was missing something.......
I finally found that something when I realized that all the good works I do are worth NOTHING to God when done in my own strength. My identity as a wife, mom, woman are already sealed through Christ's sacrifice for me. My Father can smile on my life, not because of me, but because of His Perfect Son.
As one of my favorite pastors/authors, Tullian Tchvijian says, "In Christ, I am free to fail!"
Starting to grasp the deepness of God's grace has been so special! I have fallen in love with my Jesus again. I am learning to apply grace in the mundane aspects of each day!
I want Him to be EVERYTHING to me!
My relationship with Him has been revived!
I find that each day leads me to new ways to apply the gospel in my life and I want to document it because my heart so easily forgets and wanders. That's why I decided to revive this old blog of mine with a new meaning!
When I initially started A Steady Rain, it was to document the daily blessings God pours on our lives each day. Coming up with blessings and blog posts had become a little stale after 3+ years and I decided I should come up with a new blog! However, the next two blogging ventures felt just as forced. What was the problem??
I was trying to force a passion for Him! After a year of looking back on what He's done for little me, I have a renewed desire to write about that steady rain. Those blessings look a little different to me now. Just as I can do nothing to "make" the skies open up and water the earth, I can do NOTHING to earn God's favor on me or my family. I'm not entitled to anything! It is His gift on my undeserving life.
True grace.
Will you join me as I continue to search for His daily grace?
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him....
Colossians 2:6