Do you ever wish you could fill someone else's shoes??
I have dreamed of zipping up my trendy boots in preparation to sing at a sold out concert.....
I have dreamed of strolling along a Caribbean beach in my flip-flops as I take a break from it all......
Instead, I am currently wearing....
As I blog, potty train, cook, clean, and minister to my family!
And you know what? I'm happy with that.....I Corinthians 7:17a says, "Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him."
I'm thrilled that the "life the Lord has assigned" me right now is encouraging my family and serving my church family. While my life very rarely seems glamourous or important, I am content to know that my God has these shoes picked out for me. I'm excited to wear them to the best of my ability!!
You have big shoes to fill.......YOURS!!