A couple of weeks ago, my husband graciously shared with us some of his thoughts in a post entitled, "Who is My Neighbor?" He shared a few more thoughts on our church blog recently that I thought would be just as helpful as his first post. I was thrilled when he agreed to post here at A Steady Rain again.
I want to follow up my last devotional blog I did for Rachel with a concluding thought. This thought is not original with me but is from something I have recently been reading. I want to
take you to the best passage describing what true Biblical love is: I Corinthians 13.
Read here the following verses:
take you to the best passage describing what true Biblical love is: I Corinthians 13.
Read here the following verses:
4) Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,
5) does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
6) does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with truth;
7) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8) Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.
Now, this is what I want you to do (the test). Wherever you the word "love" is used in the above passage (either stated or implied), insert your name there. (Do it now)...
Wow! Makes it more real doesn't it!! Were those statements, with your name inserted, still holding true??? When I did this I was so convicted! How much I am lacking in my love!
Whether it is getting impatient in the grocery line, snapping at someone who is close to me, walking away when I know a real need is present in someone's life, the list could go on and on........
Whether it is getting impatient in the grocery line, snapping at someone who is close to me, walking away when I know a real need is present in someone's life, the list could go on and on........
Yet, true love can be described only in the above characteristics. We don't make up the rules or circumstances. The passage states in vv. 1-3 that though we have the greatest gifts we are nothing without love.
Sobering isn't it? So, how did your "love test" turn out?
Talk about it to the Lord and ask Him to help you develop that type of love in your life more and more each day. Maybe you would even like to join me in this prayer:
Talk about it to the Lord and ask Him to help you develop that type of love in your life more and more each day. Maybe you would even like to join me in this prayer:
Father, I am a fallen creature in need of Your grace.
Help me show to others what you have shown to me.
Only by my making your love a reality in my life will I be able to
demonstrate that same love to others.
May I be a reflection of your love to those I know and meet. In Jesus' name, Amen