Find Your Porch...

The past couple of Tuesdays, I have been able to participate in an online conference for pastor's wives at Leading and Loving It. The JustOne Virtual Conference has been amazing!! It's incredibly encouraging to fellowship (even online) with other women just like me!
The topic for Week 1 was friendship, and last week's was marriage. While TONS of things touched my heart, there was one phrase that stood out to me.....

"Find Your Porch"

In the busy world of ministry, it is VITAL to carve out time to work on the marriage relationship. It is OK to say, "no" to other things for the simple purpose of a weekly date night or cuddle-time on the couch. 
One of the speakers mentioned that she and her husband had always had some sort of porch on all of the houses they lived in together. Each porch became a special place to fellowship and share with one another. When they needed time alone, they headed to their porch. 
She then went on to encourage each of us to "Find our Porch".....a special place for us to grow closer in the midst of a hectic life. "Our porch" could be the couch, a bench in the backyard, maybe even the kitchen table. The point was to be purposeful in strengthening that important relationship!

I realize most of my readers are NOT pastor's wives, but this principle applies to all marriages! If you don't have a regular time of bonding, sharing, and holding hands, your marriage may not be as strong as it could be! 
How do you strengthen your marriage?
Do you have a PORCH??