I usually try to make my posts simple and to the point, but this one may be a bit longer than normal. I am really excited about the way the Lord has been working in my heart and life lately. I love being a stay-at-home mom and a pastor's wife. There are so many fulfilling things that come along with this lifestyle! I get to spend every day with the most adorable toddler ever, and get to serve in the ministry alongside the most amazing man ever. I wouldn't trade these special days for anything in the world! I have to admit, though, that I have really struggled over the last year or so with finding a purpose - something that is uniquely "Rachel". My days felt fruitless and repetitive. Don't get me wrong - I completely understand the importance of influencing my little boy and creating a haven for my husband to come home and enjoy. I realize that those are the primary callings in my life right now! It's just that in the midst of cleaning, dishes, laundry, diapers, cooking, and doctor's visits, I was losing who I am! I wanted something that was mine - something that I could wake up and be excited about! About 8 months ago, I asked my mother-in-law to pray with me about my struggles and that the Lord would reveal to me an area in which I could serve Him with a specific purpose.
Fast forward a few months to November 2009. Several times, I had mentioned to Adam that I should start another blog. I say "another" because I had already attempted blogging shortly after Timothy was born. The Pereira Post wasn't as exciting as I had hoped, and I really struggled to keep it updated or interesting (although it has a super catchy title!!) =) Adam was very supportive about the idea, but I would always end up talking myself out of it. After all, I had already tried to write a blog and it was a flop. I didn't even know what I would write about. Finally, I decided I would give it a shot, BUT only for a year. I would give myself the goal of writing every day (even if I couldn't always reach that goal), and after a year I could stop it completely if I wanted to. I prayed about a name and a purpose for the blog, and then started it! I planned out exactly what I would write about for the first whole week, and enjoyed the challenge. After a few weeks, however, I started to doubt my decision to do this blogging thing for a whole year! Maybe I should have just said a whole month! But, I didn't give up, and it soon became a part of my daily routine. Slowly, some readers started to make comments about the blog being a blessing to them, which was a HUGE encouragement to me! I couldn't believe that the simple lessons God was teaching me, were being a help and blessing to others.
Recently, I searched for other blogs by pastor's wives and found a huge network of other women just like me. As I read some of their trials, joys, and funny stories, I began to realize what a huge impact this blogging thing can really have. And then it hit me! God had given me a purpose, and I didn't even see it! It didn't hit me like a lightening bolt as soon as my mother-in-law prayed with me, but slowly over a couple months I realized that I can share my heart, my life, my passions, with others in order to encourage them in their walk with the Lord. I may not write earth-shattering truths or change thousands of lives, but God can use this new found passion for His glory.
I am nearing my 100th post, which is a huge accomplishment for me in comparison to the 4 or 5 posts I wrote for The Pereira Post!! I may not have a huge following of readers, but I hope and pray that the lessons God continues to teach me and the daily joys in my life will continue to encourage and challenge. I am really excited because I just registered last night for a Christian blogging conference coming up this October. The Relevant Conference is held for the purpose of connecting with other bloggers, learning, and inspiring one another to use our blogs for His glory. I hope to continue to use A Steady Rain to document my awesome God's working in my life, and add it as another aspect of my personal ministry!!