I love the Olympics! I love the variety of sports. I love the competition. I love stories of triumph. In fact, in the last week or so I have stayed up a little later than I should have just to watch Shaun White win the snowboarding competition, Evan Lysacek win gold in men's figure skating, and a myriad of other competitions. The strange thing is that although I am not athletic by any means, I am always inspired to be physically fit, exercise, and be victorious! You should see how well I walk on the treadmill after watching an hour of the Olympics! =)
In the Bible, there are plenty of comparisons between our spiritual walk and training for sports. Paul talks about running the race and pressing for the prize. But what about the spectators of our race? There are many, many people, both saved and unsaved, who will be watching our lives. The question is - Do we inspire them? Obviously, the Holy Spirit will work through us and give us strength to have a strong testimony. But just like I feel like I could land a triple axel on the ice rink after watching enough skating, our lives should encourage others in their own Christian race. Remember what Paul says in Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"