My first big writing project started in my mid-elementary years. Like most girls my age, I was extremely intrigued by anything horse-related. I devoured books on horse breeds, horse training, and horse racing. My birthday gifts for a few years included trail rides, horse calendars, and more horse books.
It was only natural that I would attempt to write a equestrian novel of my own featuring a sweet mare named Snickers. Unfortunately, I was limited by the busyness of fourth grade so I never made it past the Chapter 1 rough draft. I would have been a best-seller, of course, had I ever finished the rest of the story.
Fast forward twenty years and I find myself in a similar position. My passion has changed from horses to theology, but I still possess a love for reading and writing. Occasionally, I entertain the idea of writing a book, but the thought of composing anything longer than a blog post is intimidating to me. How does an author find enough words to fill a twelve chapter book? How could I find time to write in the middle of homeschooling, demanding church ministry, and life in general? Who would read anything I write anyway?
Last year, I wrote a post about my tendency to appear stronger that I actually am, and I quickly realized that I wanted to dig a little deeper into this topic of discovering Jesus' perfection in my brokenness. I was able to write in the small crevices of time that this current season of life offers me and am excited to announce the completion of my very first booklet entitled, I'm Fine: discovering His completeness in my shortcomings.
What is it about?
As indicated throughout Scripture, humans are extremely adept at convincing ourselves that by simply trying hard enough we can meet the standards held for us by God, others, and even ourselves. Nothing could be farther from the truth because, in fact, we are in our nature "not fine." This book intends to take us on a short journey to explore the areas of our life that suffer under an "I'm fine" mentality and remind us that those very shortcomings can bring glory to the One who completed perfection on our behalf.
Who is this booklet for?
Do you struggle with feelings of failure when your idealistic expectations are shattered again?
Do you fight pride when those around you seem to be faltering in areas you have already mastered?
Do you fall into bed each night hoping that you did enough that day to at least appear successful to others?
Do you feel like the pace of your life is currently unsustainable?
If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions (like I can) then I pray the words of this book will be an encouragement to you. Because I am a mom, many of my illustrations will resonate with women, but the encouragment from Scripture is intended for all believers who hope to depend on themselves less and their Savior more.
Where can I find it?
Purchase I'm Fine on Amazon in the format that works best for you!
Print version
E-book for Kindle
Would you share?
Many of you have friends, family, and blog readers that would really benefit from the truths in this booklet. If I could meet them all, I would ask them to meet me for coffee and discuss it with them in person. Because that's impossible, I hope you'll share it with them for me!
Thank you for your support and prayers here at Dishes & Doctrine. My prayer is that this new resource is a blessing to your heart as you find your completeness in our Savior!