Why my kids don't need a perfect mom....

I can remember holding my oldest son for the 1st time. After months of waiting, I was finally cuddling this precious baby in my arms. It was with anticipation that I studied his little features. What personality would he have? How tall would he be? Would he love me as much as I already love him?

I wouldn’t have admitted it at the time, but I had some pretty high expectations for my own new job as mommy.

I knew I couldn’t be perfect (none of us are), but I wanted to be as close to June Cleaver as possible.

I can remember sitting on the floor in his little nursery 3 days after he was born crying and asking “What do I do with him now?” Definitely not the words of a confident mom.

Over the following 7 years those high standards have failed me time and time again. I've lost my temper, made burnt meals, and forgotten promises. The clear slate of motherhood has been marred with many many shortcomings.

Maybe you can relate?

There is hope for us imperfect moms, though, because I believe that even more than a perfect mom, our kids desperately need a mom who understands forgiveness and grace.

When I lose my cool during our math class once again or I put them to bed early because I don't have enough patience, they have an opportunity to see a mommy who desperately needs Jesus as much as they do! When I apologize for not always being the wife their daddy needs, they see a woman who realizes her need for a daily Rescuer. When I laugh at the meal that flopped, they see someone whose identity isn't found in gourmet meals, but as a dearly beloved child of God through Christ.

You see, our kids don't need more perfection instead they need to see the regular process of repentance, forgiveness, and grace that should define our lives as believers.

I hope we as moms can learn to let our children see that the blank slate of motherhood is actually becomes more beautiful when it's imperfections have been wiped clean by the eraser of the gospel!