I'm currently 1/3 of the way through a 90-day fitness challenge called Bikini Mommy Body Challenge! I certainly don't plan to wear a bikini this summer (or ever), but my muscles can definitely use some toning after two pregnancies!
While it's been great to see my body change during the last four weeks, I've struggled a little with my motivation. You see, I HATE exercising. I can think of so many things I rather be doing instead of my 45 minute cardio. A few minutes more of my beauty sleep would feel so much better than 20 mountain climbers. If it wasn't for the accountability from the others in the group and the fact that I really DO want to be healthy and fit at my 30th birthday, I would have given up long ago.
When I keep my goal in mind, I'm properly motivated to endure the pain of working out!
Take that to a spiritual level. My old nature HATES to love, forgive, serve, etc. I'd rather do so many other self-focused things. Simply trying hard to be a good Christian will never work. I'll fail or give up in no time.
I John 4:19 says, "We love because He first loved us." If you've spent any time in Christian circles, it can be easy to gloss over this verse. It's not until we grasp the vastness of His initial love that we can start to be motivated in the right way. I may look like a relatively good person to those around me, but my heart is desperately wicked. I have no hope to reach God's perfect standards before OR after salvation.
Christ's sacrifice is the essential daily motivation for every aspect of my life. When I'm overwhelmed by His undeserved grace, I look at "good works" as a desire rather than a duty.
Applying the gospel to everyday is a spiritual exercise motivated by Christ's unbelievable love for me!
While it's been great to see my body change during the last four weeks, I've struggled a little with my motivation. You see, I HATE exercising. I can think of so many things I rather be doing instead of my 45 minute cardio. A few minutes more of my beauty sleep would feel so much better than 20 mountain climbers. If it wasn't for the accountability from the others in the group and the fact that I really DO want to be healthy and fit at my 30th birthday, I would have given up long ago.
When I keep my goal in mind, I'm properly motivated to endure the pain of working out!
Take that to a spiritual level. My old nature HATES to love, forgive, serve, etc. I'd rather do so many other self-focused things. Simply trying hard to be a good Christian will never work. I'll fail or give up in no time.
I John 4:19 says, "We love because He first loved us." If you've spent any time in Christian circles, it can be easy to gloss over this verse. It's not until we grasp the vastness of His initial love that we can start to be motivated in the right way. I may look like a relatively good person to those around me, but my heart is desperately wicked. I have no hope to reach God's perfect standards before OR after salvation.
Christ's sacrifice is the essential daily motivation for every aspect of my life. When I'm overwhelmed by His undeserved grace, I look at "good works" as a desire rather than a duty.
Applying the gospel to everyday is a spiritual exercise motivated by Christ's unbelievable love for me!