As I was getting ready the other morning, I heard little feet clamoring up the stairs! My little guy burst into the bathroom, and my immediate thought was that something was wrong! Instead, he simply had an urgent question:
"Mommy! Will we jump in the piles when all the leaves come down?"
He was referring to a conversation from the day before about the fun things that are soon coming with the fall season. I also get almost daily questions about "snow time". He can't wait to make snowmen and enjoy the excitement that winter brings.
These conversations have gotten me thinking about the positive AND negative aspects that accompany all four seasons. For instance,
*Spring brings gorgeous weather, warm rain showers, and blooming flowers, but it also brings muddy ground and terrible allergies for many!
*While Summer can be full of uncomfortable humid weather, damaging tornadoes, and drought, it can also be full of fun at the pool, late-night cookouts, and fireworks!
*The colors of Autumn are absolutely gorgeous, but create quite a bit of raking when they cover the ground!
*Dangerous roads and freezing temperatures are definitely a part of the winter season, however snowball fights, Christmas celebrations, and hot chocolate have their place as well!
Our enjoyment or contentment in a season depends on our perspective of that season. I realize that we all have favorite seasons. God created us with individual preferences. However, it's easy to dwell on the negatives of a certain season, and simply overlook any of the positives.
That principle applies perfectly to the seasons of life as well. We tend to focus on the hard aspects of our circumstances or wish that our current season would hurry up and pass instead of looking for the joys and blessings around us.
For example, I've been struggling lately with the fact that I find very little time to write. It seems like so many other online friends are constantly working on e-books and projects while it's been hard for me to produce a simple thought-provoking post.
However, those fellow bloggers may not currently be in the same season as me. They may not be eagerly awaiting a sweet newborn (in a few short weeks!!). They may not be actively involved in a MOPS ministry. They may not be busy with the daily craziness and FUN of a three year old boy! :)
I've had to make a conscious decision to thoroughly enjoy the positive aspects of my current season rather than to dwell on the fact that I can't write or be online as much as I would like.
This almost seems like a silly example as I write it, but I believe that we can find examples of God's provision, protection, and love in some of the most difficult of seasons.
Philippians 4:11:
Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:
I'd love to hear from you.....
What good are you finding in your current season of life? How do you strive to develop contentment in every circumstance?
Photo Credits:
Summer Sky
Fall Lake Trees