This week I have been participating in fun challenge started by Sarah Mae. She called it the Get Dressed Challenge....
The object was to get up and dressed (make-up and hair included) by 8:00. We were then supposed to take a picture of ourselves each day. Here's how my week went:
Monday ~ Up bright and early (even though it was our day off)
Tuesday ~ I had time to pick out a coordinating bracelet! =)
Wednesday ~ The challenge was to get ourselves dressed (not necessarily our children)!
Thursday ~ Quick picture outside in the gorgeous weather!
Friday ~ I needed my COFFEE after staying up too late on Thursday night! =)
It's amazing how simply making it a point to prepare myself physically for the day impacted the things I did for the next 14 hours! I felt more ready to face the tasks of the day head on! I think Adam appreciated it too! =)
In light of the challenge from this week, here is the Friday Feedback question:
In what ways do you streamline your morning routine in order to be ready for the day just a little bit faster? (ex. make-up tips, organization, etc.)
I hope you all have a great Friday, and I look forward to hearing from you!