I am so thankful that health is beginning to return to our household. I was able to enjoy a cup of coffee this morning, although Adam said his stomach wasn't ready for that quite yet. My little buddy has been feeling better after a few doses of this antibiotic, and has returned to his busy toddler ways! I always notice that I appreciate my health so much more after I have been sick. In fact, this morning I was thanking the Lord that we were all getting better, and my mind wandered to characters in the Bible that asked the Lord for healing. While there were many people who had health concerns (much worse than a stomach flu), one woman came to my mind right away. We find her story in Matthew 9:20-22:
20Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed."
22Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
I have always loved this story. It is so simple, yet so incredibly powerful! I am amazed at the woman's faith in Jesus. She didn't feel the need to go home and clean up first. She wasn't compelled to run over to the temple and make a sacrifice before approaching the Lord. She didn't even try to get Jesus' attention in order to beg Him for her healing. Instead, she believed that her simple faith in this Healer would finally take care of this disease! How many times do we avoid acting in faith simply because we don't feel worthy enough. We tell ourselves that God could never work in our lives until we take care of the sins or shortcomings in every area first. We forget that the power of healing (both physically and spiritually) is not in us!
There is another aspect of this story that is just as powerful as the sick woman's faith. It's the fact that Jesus knew the woman had touched Him! In the midst of a pressing crowd, Jesus recognized this woman's need to be healed, and acknowledged her faith. He knew her heart and blessed her for it. Wow!! That same Lord, recognizes when I make small steps of faith in my life. He enjoys the fact that in my humanness, I have chosen to trust in him. I find this concept SO comforting. God desires my simple trust in his power, and in return He will do amazing things in my life!